Potentially my finest (or possibly worst) quality is that I'm totally disappointed with my own expertise.
This might be the reason I've revealed a specific skill for mathematics and physics. Merely understanding is never sufficient for me; I should at least try to rigorously recognise the thinking behind the mathematics I do, and afterwards, take my expertise to its limitations. Profusely asking why something is the way it is, perhaps to the inconvenience of my lecturers, is something I'm urged to do. I, in addition to lots of others, find this Socratic method of learning and training to be exceptionally helpful in building an essential understanding of mathematics and physics from fundamental concepts, and I endeavour to enlighten in exactly this manner.
I wish I can imbue trainees with my extreme love of mathematics and physics or, at least, reveal the subjects as far less difficult than they appear. Naturally not every person is a mathematician, as well as different minds learn at various paces, however I will certainly aim to leave a lasting and advantageous impact.